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The original plan to mirror the entry part of the Essoldo proved to leave little space for all spaces that would be needed.


I therefore altered the shape to allow more room to experiment with different layouts, as illustrated to the left.


The iterations that resolves most issues involves the building being divided into two, into a museum and a cinema. The original part of the Essoldo will accommodate the museum about the history of the building, whereas the new extension is a modern cinema to bring back that activity to Stretford. 



The images to the left illustrate development of the scheme which helped determine different iterations of the spaces that the shop should have to accommodate.


This includes different ways to navigate circulation through or around the building and altering the shape.


The main spaces in shop will be the Café, the little market place and the processing area.


The final iteration concludes with the market place being both shop and circulation at the same time, giving access to the main square. The Café faces Southwest onto the main square, needing the most daylight. The processing area is out of sight from the square, tucked into the back.



The Hut will be the main building across the canal, housing both storage area and workshop space.


The storage area should accommodate all of the crops and produce harvested from the public garden patches.


The workshop space is meant to be a shelter for gardeners on bad weather days and to offer different workshops about the plants and trees growing in the community garden to ensure the right care.


The process of the plan development is illustrated on the left.



© 2018 by Lisa von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn.

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